(Hard to find good childcare... I mean eggs.... July 2013)
As a user and one heavily reliant on childcare 3 days a week, I am a tad ashamed I didn't really have childcare up there as one of my policies of concern. However, with the recent release of the Coalition's budget and position, something has to be said:
* I understand that the National Quality Framework has been a bit painful to implement as it tries to regulate a system that, in many ways, has been quite a casual arrangement by some groups to look after children.
* However, as someone who uses childcare regularly, the Framework provides assurance that childcare centres have a good standard to care for our children.
* I am unsure what the Coalition is proposing however the industry does need reform. Better wages, better qualified staff. It is extraordinarily hard to get affordable and good childcare.
* Access to childcare is intrinsically linked to the ability of women to go back to the workforce after children. It should be accessible to all without having to wait in ridiculously long waiting lists that we had to place our child just after they were conceived.
* I have been blessed to have experienced two excellent childcare centres. However, they are expensive and this is not the norm.
So I will vote for improvement and reform to the childcare system.
I found this and this helpful to read.
Totally - I don't understand why parties aren't falling over themselves to do more about childcare. Not for the benefit of mums/families, but for the economy (might help some people out too, but whether you want to do that depends on your ideology)- the marginal parent returning to work is way more productive than the marginal unemployed person, so it would make sense to try to unlock some of that potential.