Wednesday, 11 September 2013

34 days... and life still goes on

(Instagram 11.9.13)

The 2013 Federal election was technically 34 days long. On Saturday September 7, Australia peacefully changed governments and brought in Tony Abbott as our new Prime Minister.

Much of this is actually incredible considering the other political situations in the world like Syria, Egypt, Burma, K.Rudd's best mates China etc.

I am sure many of you were expecting me to write a post earlier than this. However, I have needed a few days to process all that has happened. And I also felt I needed to wait to see what would happen. It is interesting the process of voting. A few numbers on a piece of paper is all we have to do. But the ramifications of these numbers as a collective have massive consequences. I don't think many of us can or do realise this.

But life still goes on. I actually can't think of one thing that has changed in my life since Saturday except for the contents of my Facebook newsfeed. There is still laundry to be done, work to do, children to teach, train and feed; friends and family to love.

Here are some thoughts on the election results and post-election that I can poetically inscribed within an appropriate acrostic VOTE:

V - Victor. The victor of this election is Tony Abbott. Someone who, I confess, I have said to The Man a few times "if he ever becomes Prime Minister, can we leave the country?" Yet, in fact, this hypothetical has become a reality. I saw it coming but for some reason did not wish it to happen. Many of this is because of his policies on the environment (see previous posts). He probably has personal values that actually reflect my own more so than K.Rudd. I found this article very amusing.
One victor of  this election is also the Liberal member for my electorate who just won by an extremely small margin. (The sitting member was Labour) It has taken over 3 days for my electorate to be called. THREE DAYS!! Quite exciting!! This means they would of have to count every single number place on that green paper! I am glad the member is with the government as opposed to opposition.  Holding the seat with such a thin margin should guarantee he will read my (future) letters  (maybe rants) about climate change/asylum seekers/environment etc etc.

O - Opposition. I have a strange fascination with how the opposition will rebuild itself after defeat. You would hope they would listen to the electorates and tackle the issues of disunity and dysfunction. My interest in Labour does centre around what role Tanya Plibersek will have in the new opposition.  I have found her to be an impressive person in the way she conducts herself when she speaks both in a formal and unprepared way. When Ben Pobjie of the Guardian described her potential prime minister-ship as her "glorious regime", I realised I felt some infirmity with that. Not that I am in her electorate nor would vote for Labour just for her (though she would be a good draw card.) At the moment it appears the opposition leader could be Albo or Shorten. Neither seem impressive. But, it is a wait-and-see game. The way the Liberals were able to rebuild after they lost under Howard is pretty amazing.

T - Time. Being politically engaged takes time. A lot of time. Just trying to keep your finger on the pulse with not just what is going on but reading opinions that both agree and disagree with your own takes a fair amount of time that I don't think the ordinary person has. Or, at least the mum of two children who works 3 days a week and participates in extra-circular activities like me can do. I am glad that I gave my vote the time and thought it needed.  This vote was probably the most thought-through vote I have cast in the 15 or so years I have been able to vote. But it does take time. So I can see why the "sound-bite" policies and one-liners works for people. It would be good to be able to go to one place to get  information in a relate-able, human way. It also takes time to blog about this stuff.

E - Engaged.  Or more importantly, stay engaged. Going through this process has made me see that being engaged needs to be more than just one day, one vote. A lot can be done over the next three years and my minister is now accountable to me for decisions made on my behalf as the government. They won't know what I want unless I tell them. It's empowering as well as burdensome.

With that said, I think this may not be the last post on this blog. I had originally thought I would finish at post #34. 34 posts for 34 days of the election campaign (nice huh?) But I need to stay engaged and so I think I may keep posting (though maybe in a somewhat adhoc fashion) anything helpful I read.

Plus, the NSW State election is in less than 2 years time. Which made me realise... I don't even know who the NSW Opposition leader is... (Thanks in advance Google).

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Saturday 7 September 2013

Election Day.

I thought I might get up early and vote as soon as the polls opened then turn the TV on and watch the coverage across the day to see the results. I thought I might listen to the analysis and the predictions and ride the tide of emotion with each refreshment of the vote count. I thought I would check my Facebook and Twitter and join in the online conversation about the way the count is going.

I even thought I might have an election party. And share the joy of watching the results unfold as a government is peacefully endorsed by the populous to go and govern over them.

But, sorry to say, there are other things to do. And particularly, more important people to be with on a Saturday. There are two precious little ones who I can play and laugh with. Sydney was a gloriously balmy 27 degrees today - a tease of summer to come - and therefore a call to be outdoors and run around. There is a Playgroup party to go to, shopping to be done and the last minute, friends-from-out-of-town catch up BBQ to go to.

I see a bit of the electoral count on the TV, that is on in the background as old friends chatter and our kids scream around furiously chasing each other, on a high of sugar from the ice cream. I see a prediction here, various red and blue graphs go up and down.

But now, at 10pm, when the house is finally quiet and tidy, I think I will just go to sleep. I am tired from a day full of good things.  The good things has brought on an accidently freeing social media blackout on my day (except for this blog!)

But I am also a little worn out from this tiring election campaign. There is an ignorance bliss of having done what you have to do and to have done that well and then not knowing what the result is. There is a hope that result will be good. Fantastic even.

The election result can wait til tomorrow.

There are other things to see and do today!! (6.9.13)

Friday, 6 September 2013

The night before the election.....

It is nearly over. The election campaigning that feels like it has been going on for 3 years may finish tomorrow. In the last 24 hours has seen one leader stand up and another stay quiet. Though all the polls and predictions point to Liberals, I cast my thoughts back to the 1993 Hewson-led Coalition who had the polls on their side but lost in the end.

The last 24 hours for me has actually made me realise who I  don't want to win and therefore who I will vote against tomorrow.

This article I found really kinda summed up the election well.

PLEASE dear readers, vote for policy and not personalities!!!

Probably my last post til the election, I want to share this lovely poem by a friend of a friend of a friend (I think), a Mr Jason Forbes. I thought it was appropriate!

Twas the night before voting
when all through the house
All were wondering
including the mouse!

Dad considered the candidates,
the greedy and fair.
While mum just wanted the best childcare.

The idea of family
could see a new day
The prospect of marriage,
now free and gay!

Present leaders showed
as servants to themselves,
while arrogance abounded
their ignorance observed!!

The sick and disabled
seeing the end of their night
With te NDIC
to take care of their plight.

While the biblical faithful
prayed and sat tight
Looking only to Jesus
to come and make things right!!

Paid Parental Leave #2 which is really about childcare

(Hard to find good childcare... I mean eggs.... July 2013)

As a user and one heavily reliant on childcare 3 days a week, I am a tad ashamed I didn't really have childcare up there as one of my policies of concern. However, with the recent release of the Coalition's budget and position, something has to be said:

* I understand that the National Quality Framework has been a bit painful to implement as it tries to regulate a system that, in many ways, has been quite a casual arrangement by some groups to look after children.
* However, as someone who uses childcare regularly, the Framework provides assurance that childcare centres have a good standard to care for our children.
* I am unsure what the Coalition is proposing however the industry does need reform. Better wages, better qualified staff. It is extraordinarily hard to get affordable and good childcare.
* Access to childcare is intrinsically linked to the ability of women to go back to the workforce after children. It should be accessible to all without having to wait in ridiculously long waiting lists that we had to place our child just after they were conceived.
* I have been blessed to have experienced two excellent childcare centres. However, they are expensive and this is not the norm.

So I will vote for improvement and reform to the childcare system.

I found this and this helpful to read.

Vote Compass

I finally got around to using the Vote Compass and it is really insightful. It doesn't help with your Senate votes but it does help you see which of the main parties - Liberal, Labour or Greens you align to the most.

You may be pleasantly surprised and it may help you with your choice tomorrow. Enjoy!!

foreign aid #2

So the last 24 hours has seen an abundance of criticism to the Liberals budget cuts, especially foreign aid. It has called into question the public's ability to "trust" a government, that holds out details of its budget until it is too late. It also calls into question "trust" when they promised, not so long ago for large spending in foreign aid.

Paid Parental Leave

(George & Peppa - happy beneficiaries of paid parental leave - April 2013)

The last election issue I want to cover is the paid parental leave scheme. I am all for it and it appears so are the major parties.

I found this article very helpful. I also mention it in this previous blog post (wow... I have enough posts to refer to old ones already).

It appears Liberals will give me more (though I don't plan to have any more children). Funded, as in previous blog, but cutting resources to the environment and foreign aid.

Labour will maintain the current arrangement and also investigate an overhaul in the childcare system (which as a regular user of this system, I think its really important).

The Greens promise to do a combination of both, though the funding is not clear.

As I have previously said, I think paid parental leave is a really important "welfare" benefit, especially for mums as they manage the change (financially, socially and emotionally) of becoming a mother. And for partners to get some of this money, helps with the whole family. I think this is especially for low income families where money is tight.

The additional aspect of review the current childcare system and possibly increasing the wages of childcare workers is very appealing. As someone who has had to experience the stress of limited childcare places, and witnessing first hand the large spectrum of "care" that is available, the system cannot be sustainable in its current form.

This policy is very close to being one that feeds straight into my back pocket, but I would hope it would also benefit many other parents in the future.

The faith vote and how to vote

(Vote above or below the line?! April 2013, Blackheath)

I found these below articles helpful for those who are faith based in their ideals and values.

A Christian case for the greens

And how to vote 

And this article about voting below the line

My favourite quote: 
Election expert Antony Green has pointed out that according to law, voters are allowed to miss out ten percent of the boxes below the line, and mess up the numbering three times, yet still have their vote accepted as formal. This is good news for the preference plodders

So, don't be scared to vote below the line!!! It will make your vote that much more worthwhile!!!

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Foreign aid

(From World Vision Facebook 5.9.13)

Though foreign aid is not specifically one of my election policies of interest, this just had to be shared.

$4.5 million cut from the budget to fund inhumane refugee treatment, exorbitant parental leave scheme and a climate change policy that doesn't work.

If you have a roof over your head, clothes on your back, food on your table and a bed to sleep in, you are richer than 75% of the world's population. Please vote for the poor and not for your back pocket!

I think foreign aid should be one of the many instruments used to reduce refugees seeking asylum in Australia and elsewhere.

(and I confess the thing that makes me most angry is that this is announced less than 48 hours before the election.)

The green vote #2

Now, I am sure readers, when it comes to the Green Vote, the Greens party is the most obvious choice.  However, as we all know, the Greens party will not (and probably should not) be the governing party considering Australia's current political situation.

However, what each party is saying about the environment and particularly climate change is important because this particular issue is one that has long term ramifications, far greater than our economy.

So, it is alarming that a few more articles have come out in the last 24 hours that target the Liberals' stance on the environment. This article is quite detailed. This one is just damning, (by former Greens Senator Bob Brown). It scares me though because I am unsure what voter Liberal is aiming for, but it seems like it is ignoring science (not just climate change but anything remotely natural history related) and also valuing resources on only economics (read extraction) value only. Short term. Business.

The nail in the coffin for me is today's discussions about the budget from the Liberal party. This article summed up that a lot of party's holes in their budget will be funded by cutting resources to climate change, resource management and foreign aid.

I understand the argument that jobs are lost when timber mills are closed. But in a capitalist society, one area of restriction leads to another area of growth? Tasmania has enjoyed a boast in tourism, eco-tourism and organic farming of all types as such produce, fishing and dairy.

I am particularly sad to think that my children may one day not get to see the Great Barrier Reef or the Tasmanian Wilderness (or enjoy the clean air and water these ecosystems make) because a mining company, a timber mill or a farm want to make a 10% profit for the next 5 years.

I am glad I can vote and have a say (even if it feels small).

(From Earth - The Operators Manual)

Asylum seekers #3

Unlike the environment issues, it appears the two main parties are similar on this issue.

This very helpful article compared Labour, Liberal and the Greens asylum seeker policy, showing that not much is different between the two major parties.

Both major parties will have mandatory detention, offshore processing and a inflexibility with bridging visas. The Greens support increasing Australia's refugee quota, onshore processing and increase rights to refugees settling into Australia.

It seems like it is really a vote between Labour/Liberal hardline asylum stance vs Greens softer approach to refugees.  After this, it seems like the main difference is the choice between our current set up and using extra money for the military (Liberal's policy) for maintaining border control and buying boats in Indonesia (to stop them coming here).

I guess the most disappointing part of this election issue is that there isn't much "thinking out of the box" with a possible solution to deterring asylum seekers to Australia via leaky Indonesian boats.

This sponsorship option is something I would of liked to have seen more. Or something like Sweden?

It is articles like this that remind me how inhumane the current refugee/asylum seeker process is in Australia. It is good it is a big election issue.  Sadly, there doesn't seem to be any really good options by the major parties. It seems it may have to go to a Senate vote. The below graphic just shows how small a number we are talking about.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

The green vote

I have been pretty clear that there are three main election issues for me:
1) Humane treatment of asylum seekers
2) The environment
3) Paid Parental Leave

(18.3.13 - Which straw man to vote for?)

The two main parties are very similar on issues 1 & 3 (will discuss later). Issue two, the environment, is one that is coming across as the issue that will sway my vote.

I want to reinforce that I am not a member of either party.  I equally distrust both parties.  However, it greatly disturbs when I read that Tony Abbott, the opposition leader, who has, in the past, denied climate change, would straight out speak something as per this article, misrepresenting the carbon tax, clearly not understanding an emissions trading scheme and suggesting that an expensive, ineffective "direct action" of financing limited, outdated fossil fuel technology to stop polluting will actually benefit the environment.

See article below:

It is amazing that we should comprehend the "direct action" strategy when it looks like it won't work - even confessed by the Coalition themselves.

Then, to read, four days before the election, that the Coalition will sponsor coal seam mining has really tipped me over.

Now I am not a card carrying greeny. I do not campaign or march. I am not an "activist" in that regard. But, the logic of trying to rely on very limited, polluting, fossil fuels instead of investing in renewable energies seems to be beyond the comprehension of the opposition party.

See article here:

What annoys me is that this news doesn't even touch on the sensitivities of coal seam mining - the environmental risk, the loss of farming land, the impact of small communities. It's a throwaway election promise that has some awful consequences.

I do not mean to be so bias in my blogs, but I feel that this issue might be the one that helps me decide where to put my numbers on Saturday.

Monday, 2 September 2013


Apologizes for the absence of posts in the last week or so. It is hard to believe that in less than 7 days a new Prime Minister will be elected. Will it actually change anything? 

One thing I have noticed, in both myself and others, is the lethargy of election talk in the air. People are tired of K.Rudd, economists are tired of Australians whining (or the Liberal party telling us) we are poor & the economy is the top election issue, people are tired of no humane action on asylum seekers. Everyone is tired of the election! 

I know the busyness of life has stop me from tuning in. However, there is also another, more subtle reason for my disconnect - that belief that nothing has or will change. Both major parties are offering, what appears like similar offers. Both PM hopefuls are as distrusted as the other. Their policies have not changed in the last week. Both have hard-to-believe promises.

With only 5 days to the polls, I am trying to rouse myself back from political sleep. Like falling asleep in a uni lecture, I know I need to pay attention to what is going on. But like uni, there are so many other things to check out (AFL finals footy anyone?) As I wake myself I hope that the rest of the country stays awake and that Saturday's winner will be the best for the country. 
(27.8.13 - PPL experience #2, asleep on the couch.)