Tuesday, 20 August 2013

How to vote

Here is a useful link about how to vote below the line.


Just put your electorate in and it will produce a print out that you can decide in the time and comfort of your own home and then take to the election booth.  This way you don't let the major parties decide your Senate choices for you!

Monday, 19 August 2013

Seriously funny election stuff

The election period brings up some really funny satire of the most important people of the moment. We have great TV shows like the Gruen Nation that resurrect themselves for the election. My favourite is the Chaser boys and their Hamster Decides. A whole blog could be dedicated to these types of things, but it won't be this one. However, the above video was just too good not to share. Enjoy a bit of rock for your day as you decide who to vote for!!

Climate change link

Picture by me 28.7.13. (Climate change discussion requires a picture with the beauty of mother nature against the constructions of man with automobiles in it just to emphasis the GHG emissions, right?)

As I have said in my intro, one of the three policy concerns I have in this election is about the carbon tax. Or, more broadly speaking, what-the-government-plans-to-do-about-the-environment, be it climate change, management of resources, reduction of fossil fuels etc.

I found a page that had some good discussion and comparison on Labour's Climate change policy and on Liberal's Climate change policy.

Though I think Labour has not been very successful in their climate change strategy (the carbon tax & mining tax are both a bit lame), I don't think they are as lame as the Liberals proposing to pay polluters to pollute less. Huh? With my tax money?! That seems crazy! Or have I got that wrong?

This articles from SMH has a really good analysis (though a little long). It is really helpful and detailed (especially for a greenie like me)

Comparing these two, I confess my vote is going towards Labour. However, the Greens should really win my vote in this "environmental" policy area, partly because that is their main game, but I particularly like their stance on biodiversity and protecting the Great Barrier Reef. I think that being able to vote on these big national issues is a very important part of a Federal election. (Also their policies on refugees, university, duopoly of supermarkets and paid parental leave are attractive)

Any other good links to climate change policies?

Sunday, 18 August 2013

The importance of voting

For those of you feeling unsure or disillusioned with voting in the upcoming election, I found this cute cartoon from this site really helpful. All vote counts!!!

Monday, 12 August 2013

Debate #1

So, in the midst of feeding and putting kids to bed, I missed the first debate last night between the PM and the Opposition leader.

By the sounds of it, it wasn't worth watching. From the videos and replays and articles I have read it appears that they K.Rudd and Abbott battled it out on known territory, appealing to the hip-pocket of middle class voters (yes like me).

Here are some of my thoughts:
* Wasn't a game changer. I don't think the debate would of changed or helped you with your vote
* K.Rudd appealing to his good management of the GFC (fair enough)
* Abbott attacked for the potential to increase taxes
* K.Rudd playing the gay marriage card (remember the Apology to Indigenous Australians anyone?)
* K.Rudd seemed more nervous than Abbott (a little bit of a surprise)
* Liberals adamant that the carbon tax will be scrapped. Sorry, but I do not believe that the "direct action" Abbott is talking about will do ANYTHING. (BIG thumbs down)
* Both men, but particularly Abbott appealing to voters with really broad, abstract vision and (frankly false) promises. The best is Abbott's "We can make your life better." Seriously? (Promise the world...)

(for some articles I found helpful - link 1, link 2 & particularly link 3 - love Natalie Mast's opinions!)

Speaking of debates, there was one on Wednesday night between Bob Car and Julie Bishop about Foreign policy, but (for some reason) I cannot find much information on it or what is was like. Anyone out there in the wide world web have good info??

The verdict of the debate: same same but different kettle of fish (or prawns)??
Watsons Bay, October 2012

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Opinion pieces #1, 2 and 3.

Opinions came in all shapes and sizes. 
Shapes - by Peppa aged 3 & 1/2.

It has been 1 week since the election was called. Since the previous PM set the first election date there has not been a shortage of opinions and articles about how to vote.  Since K.Rudd became PM again, setting the next election date has, in many ways, made everyone a little jittery about "when will it all happen!!"

There will be, no doubt, a prolifia of opinion pieces about who to vote for and what to think about various parties' policies. These four from this week are ones that I found interesting, insightful and felt resonating with me and my values.

First piece resonated with me as I am a child of migrant parties (though not refugees or boat people) and of Asian descent. Though I need to see how the various parties' policies stack up next to each other, I can see myself being like this author: a reluctant Labour voter

Second piece is probably even more like me (though possibly a 8-year younger version of me). When K.Rudd became PM again, I felt very much like "I don't want to vote for any of you!!" And so this blog was born.... in hope of openly thinking through the various policies and politicians as we go into the Federal Election.

Third piece is an interesting take on Abbott and how he has come across to date and K.Rudd changes his game plan for the election.  I thought this was helpful in how it compares the two men and their strategies.

Lastly, a little environmental piece and a great reminder that there are things more important than politics but sadly politics dictates so many important things:

This article particularly, has lessen my desire to vote Liberals as they will increase the port activity in the area. 

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Helpful article/page #2

For those of Christian faith (or at least sympathetic to Christian ideas) this website by the Bible Society is quite insightful.  It has great articles about each parties different policies which will help anyone, even if they do not have faith in Jesus.

I found the leader profiles particularly interesting - K.Rudd & Abbott. I have not particular opinion about if I think their faith is a good thing for a PM as I do not think it will sway my vote as much as their policies. 

Hoping this will help others. Let me know what you think.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Propaganda #2

The one thing that an election brings is the large amount of propaganda as every party and independent tries to win your vote through inspiring you to their ideals (Greens) or criticizing the other parties (EVERYONE!)

This is probably one of the my un-fun-est part of being in an election. Watching the politicians slag it out on the TV; the condescending ads that like to strike fear into ignorant hearts; the ridiculous amount of pamphlets that flow into the letterbox and the large mug-shots of prospective candidates that are nailed to electricity poles all around the place.  All this propaganda reaches a climax on election day when one must wade through the flapping arms waving more paper in our faces because we think it might change out vote.....

[ take a deep breath!]

The thing that gets me the most is how some of the propaganda has turned deceptive.  This article was really interesting to me as I received one of these letters just the other day.

I first thought  - "Wow, we can do a postal vote straight away!".
2nd thought was "Wow, there is Liberal Party crap all through this!"
3rd thought was "How can the AEC send this stuff out? It's so one-sided."

But now I know.

I have been amused by my various FaceBook friends who have "liked" either Abbott or K.Rudd. Social media is yet another avenue where the parties can try to get you with their message. I noticed Youtube have lots of ads for the Liberal Party (just when I thought I could be safe from just turning off the TV).

What is your experience with the election propaganda? Maybe I am being a bit harsh and really should just go to sleep?


As we near the end of week 1 of the official election campaign, I thought I might address some of the "information" that is given out at the election time.

I am not a supporter or sponsor of any major party but I was taken back by this cover on the Daily Telegraph on Monday's paper, the day after the election date was announced.

(image from the Australian newpaper 7.8.13)

The shock came from the very one-sided view this major newspaper was communicating and how it was influencing its readers to vote. It is very in-your-face and aggressive in its opinion.

I am glad that I was not the only one. This FB campaign has started, saying we should complain when the "information pamphlets" cross the line.

I would be interested to hear what others have seen and heard on the campaign trail so far.

This type of propaganda has to make you realize that we, as voters, need to be really discerning with what messages we allow ourselves to read and believe. The media is not a neutral medium that is just providing information. After this came out there have been many articles about the political agenda of a certain media owner.  (see here and here)

I actually see parallels with the communist propaganda posters of the former USSR and of China. The way that posters and other media was and is used to control the masses and to make a large number of people conform to a socialist way of thinking. There is good and bad socialist undertakings (public health is an example is good). But, at all points, discernment is required.

Love to know your thoughts on the election propaganda (or of socialism in Australia)

Thought this was an interesting way to fight back:

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Kids and politics

As a mum of a highly socialised near four year old, I found this article very funny. Not just because its a break from the tit-for-tat that comes during a political campaign, or the heavy duty battle of fighting policies head to head but because I just love how kids can make what is suppose to be serious really rather humorous (and bring things back to earth)


Monday, 5 August 2013


For those who nearly missed it this morning (like me in the rush to get to work with kids in tow), the election date has been set SEPTEMBER 7!!! Mark it in the diary and stay tuned for the election craziness that is about to commence!!