Sunday, 8 May 2016

It's Election time (again!)

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It's on!

2nd July 2016 Australia will vote for a new government. In a relatively peaceful way we will be all asked to choose which political party we want to lead the country for the next three years. 

Part of me can't believe I started this blog nearly 3 years ago because I wanted to have a place to keep various information on politics. Strangely enough, the issues I had back there don't seem to have resolved themselves much since 2013 and you do kinda wonder what all the fuss was about.

Australia has changed since 2013. The politics has, in most parts, moved away from the name calling and the outright hate language that we see in some other countries. But then again, the election was only officially called today. 

I've changed! I live in a margin Liberal seat now. Though still a mum of two children. With the last one heading to school next year, education and stuff like that seems to be more on my radar. But, as I spend more time at work now days, I also have one eye to what is happening in my industry. Thankfully I am still married to The Man, Peppa and George are still kicking on growing and I still live in a big Australian city.

I haven't read much (how do other people get the time to read this stuff to make an informed choice?!) but I have put links below of a few places I have read. 

I am still unsure what the policies I will be focusing on in this election. Since I started this blog, I have come to realise my views are maybe more left than some people. Please don't take that as an insult.

I know that the key policies for me will be around:

* The Environment - be that climate change/carbon tax/ renewable energy
* Cities - planning, development, housing affordability and infrastructure (slightly swayed by my work but also nearly 90% of Australians live in an urban area now. It needs some national focus!).
* Family - education /healthcare
* Refugees

Links to things I have read:
School of Life (Ok, a bit out there but its a fun animation that helps you think big picture)
The Project (on affordable housing)

What policies are others focusing on? What do you think is important for this 2016 election? What are you reading to get informed?

Hopefully, over the next 8 weeks, I can feel what PM Turnball said at the start of this election "It's the most exciting time to be an Australian!" 

(and yes, new layout.)