Monday, 8 December 2014

Letter #3

Though I have fallen behind in my challenge, I have decided to get back on the horse and try again. 

I found some time to respond to the response I got from my MP. I really should of done it earlier. It took about two weeks to compose as I initially wrote it one night when I was very angry with the world after reading this awful piece and probably not in the best state of mind to write.  But it reminded me that I still needed to write and communicate. So here's my third letter, sent via email.


Thank you for your phone message you left for me about 3 months ago.  I understand that it must be really difficult balancing a work place in both Canberra and Sydney. I apologise that it has taken me so long to reply back to you. As a professional working part time and juggling two young children in an electorate that you should understand has some of the highest costs of living, especially real estate and rent, it is hard to find the time to meet and chat with friends and family, let alone your local MP. I do appreciate that you offered to meet to discuss education after my two unanswered letters.
My last two correspondences have been about education; first on the public education system at a primary and secondary level and the second about tertiary education.  In both correspondences, I express dismay at to the current Liberal Governments desire to reduce funding to these. I notice that some of these have not occurred. I do not understand what direction the current Government is going in this space.

As a member of your electorate, I wish to express two more issues that I find extremely difficult to see the current government acting in ways that seem contrary to the wishes of the Australian people:

1)      Climate change, and especially the constant government support for coal.  Coal is a resource that we know is limited and supports technology that is dated.  To keep propping up this industry is not the correct action for economic recovery and the US – China agreement on Climate Change proves that Australia is taking the wrong direction. Australia has so many more resources than the ones that can found in a mine and less environmentally damaging.  Would it not be better to invest in those?

2)      Funding Cuts to the ABC.  ABC provides many varied and amazing services to children and the country that commercial networks just do not offer.  As a mother of two young children, ABC 2 is a life saver for the end of the day when I need to get dinner together and need the children to rest without commercials selling them toys.  As a government who, in opposition, positioned itself as a government of truth, this latest proposal is an obvious election promise broken.  

Please understand XXXX, that your electorate is made up of many working professionals and young families who are directly impacted in a negative way by these proposals of the current Liberal Government.   The electorate will not ignore these when it comes to choose the member who cannot stand up for the services we want and require. Liberal only won your seat by a 4% margin last year. It’s not a big margin.

Thanks again for reading this letter and my past letters and trying to respond. I look forward to hearing from you in regards to this letter and understand if that happens in the New Year. Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas.

Kind regards