Thursday, 26 June 2014

The new senate and news...

The new senate is to come in 7 July. I confess I really don't know what that means except that that there is a real chance that the carbon tax will be axed and that there will be a lot of squabbling for the next few years over different pieces of legislation. I also realise that Clive Palmer will be in the news WAY more than I care to read! (because he has quite a few seats he can bargain with the other parties).

 I found this very helpful to read about the Senate. It is funny and sad all at the same time.

And yes, I did somewhat cheer about Palmer's stance on climate change by supporting emissions trading. I cannot believe I am cheering at anything to do with Clive Palmer.....

Some real exciting news this week is that the United Nations rejected the Coalition's application to reduce the Tasmania's World Heritage Area. *CHEER*

It has been called "global diplomatic humiliation" for the Abbott government by Bob Brown. I would of thought that moment would of been when Julie Bishop was made Foreign Minister! Her international gaffs continue this week. First she alienated PNG, then she outraged Indonesia less than a month later. She has then gone to criticize China (massive regional neighbor who is both a source of export income and imports) then appear to support the Sri Lankan Government who is under suspicions by everyone else in the world for human rights abuses. And, of course, reduce the foreign aid budget by $4.5 BILLION dollars (AUD). But this week she has now invoke the anger of North Korea. They have said to want to "resolutely punish anyone who dares slander the dignity of its supreme leadership". Maybe we will not need to vote the Abbott government out. They may get assassinated by communist spies first. It is a bit surprising that we haven't started a war with any of our neighboring nations (yet!). Foreign policy is a little out of my league, but it feels like the current government can't seem to get it right.

Look out Australia!!!
(Thanks to The Man for this pic)

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Letter #2

It takes time, to write letters. To think about the facts and to shape a view and express it in words. 3 months in I have fallen behind my goal of one letter a month to my local member.

But I'm back! And I have lots up my sleeve!! I think that it is because there is so much I feel like complaining about, that, in the rush to get out of my brain, the ideas get clogged. Sounds silly, I know.

Below is another letter. It was suppose to be about the budget, but it became about education again. Maybe too safe. But I thought I would try again since I got NOTHING - zip/zippo/zero/ nuttin' - no response from my first letter.

It may be because it was via email. So I am going to do this the old fashion way - snail mail on paper.

Here is it:

3 June 2014
To the Honourable XXX XXX,

I write to you as a member of the local community, a working professional and a mother of two young children, to speak against the governments' proposed cuts to education.  I request that these changes are not acted on and that the funding proposed in the Gonski report as well as continued support for the FEE-Help and other tertiary education funding at their current levels.

I understand that cuts are required to service the budget deficit.  But for a country who has one of the lowest deficits in the world, cutting education seems to be a very short-sighted.  It lacks respect for the needs of future generations.  It will affect the opportunities open to children, not just as young as mine but also as old as yours.  I know you have two currently in primary school and these changes would challenge their opportunities at university.  As someone who had the opportunity to go to university because of the HECS scheme, I want my children to have equal opportunities and these not be reduced by financial constraints.  Education should not be limited to only those who can pay.  It limits Australia's ability to harness the intellectual capacity of all people in the country. 

As the member of a marginal seat in Sydney, please know that this voter, and many others like me, have taken note and are not impressed with a government that has decided to take away our children's educational opportunities instead of considering taxes in other areas (ie. mining tax or company tax).
I also note that I did not receive a response from an email dated 20 March 2014 in regards to education as well.  I understand that everyone is busy.  It would of been nice for my local member to at least provide a receipt from a letter from a member of their electorate.  Because of this, I write to you the ol' fashioned way.


Me (and I provided my details)

Let's see how this goes!!

Our honourable leader....

Because it wouldn't be Australian politics if we couldn't have a laugh at the politicians, I had to share this piece by a British comedian in America.

The weird thing is it made me laugh and cry. Cry because I cannot believe we elected this person as PM.

And yes, confession: I had a good chuckle at the last line.