Monday, 26 May 2014

Signing to change - Tasmania's Forests

Hi all. It's been a while. Sorry. I am not afraid to use that word. My only excuse is really a lack of time. How does anyone have time to keep abreast of all the issues and read widely to see the different points of view?

I am writing to advocate signing the petition for the World Heritage Committee not to overturn their decision and remove 74,000 ha from the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage area. I am not sure what signing petitions actually do. I do know it shows my support, even if it's just my name on a list. I am unsure if those like the World Heritage Committee give much weight to petitions. But I am signing it anyways. If it's a small way I can help towards the conservation of forests.

It troubles me that many believe you need to chose between jobs (ie money) and the environment. The environment, especially trees, have been undervalued for both their productivity (their capacity in the essential service to make the oxygen we need to breathe!) and their intrinsic value both in their beauty and habitat value (as homes for other potentially productive creatures of the world).

Having visited the Tasmanian Forests near Strahan in 2009, I was really amazed at how amazingly beautiful the forests are there. It really did provide a glimpse of what Australia would of looked like before European settlers came. While I was there, it made me believe that maybe Tasmania does have the cleanest air in the world!

So I have signed this petition. I like oxygen. And I ask you to sign. Especially if any of the points above resonate with you.

(Tasmanian forest, January 2009)