Friday, 28 June 2013

Day 2 - 2 comments (woohoo!) - 2 articles - 2 thoughts

Day 2 of blog and though it is less than 24 hours old, I am thinking this might be a good thing.

Thanks for the comments on my first post. Keep them coming!! I confess I feel a nerdy-love when people comment. Yes, a strange sense of affirmation.

I have two articles for you today. One can be considered more serious than the other.

First is this, sent to me by The Man. It is an interesting take on KRudd.  I can already feel Abbott getting more and more frustrated with every minute he has to look at Kevin's ever smiley face.

The second article is more informative and related to what this blog is really about. A friend sent me this article through my FB and clearly sets out the various policies of each party about paid parental leave and childcare.

My two thoughts:
1) I am unsure which of the parental leave schemes I think is the best. They are quite complicated. I have two different experiences with paid parental leave. The first, when Peppa was born, was when there was no government paid leave. But my employer provided 14 weeks paid leave. I thought that was pretty generous and a great way of showing that they wanted to retain me. My second experience, when George was born, was with the government's paid parental leave. My employer actually provided 18 weeks paid leave on top of the government's paid leave which was simply amazing and generous. (And no, there is no requirement for me to return the money if I did not return). I see the way that my employer has taken the initiative as their point of difference from the competition. If they had to do this (as under Liberal policies) maybe it would not be as great? (Still thinking that through)
2) The main reason I think government paid parental leave is excellent is for people who do not work for large corporate organisations (like me) who provide paid leave. It just provides that help at a great time of change. A lot of women I know can get quite worried about going back to work and how their "career" or "work skills" may become devalued when they have a child. I think the paid parental leave takes the financial pressure off having a child and therefore the mother to return to work.

I also have some thoughts on childcare and glad that the major parties are thinking of reforming this. But I will leave that for another post.

Your thoughts?

(Paid parental leave experience #1 & #2)

Learning the ropes

Though I have toyed with blogs in the past, and this one is only 24 hours old, I have just started to learn a few things about blogging. I need to spell out some guidelines to help everyone (especially me).

A big thank you to those who have already sent me some articles to read and for your helpful comments. I have allowed people to write comments anonymously because I want anyone to comment. However, it is a little hard for me to respond (ie. Hi Anonymous #1, or Anonymous #2) so if you don't mind even making up a name when you comment, that would help. If you wish to remain anonymous, then the numbering will start from the oldest to the newest comment.

Also, I will try to blog often but I cannot commit to a daily post. Sorry. I hope that doesn't annoy people too much! I didn't realise a blog could be so much work (a little bit like that shock when you realise how much work being a mum is!). However, I will try to publish/veto comments daily.

Lastly, all the images on this blog will be my own photos (both from a copyright point of view and also, as a bit of a showcase for my pictures. What else would I do with them?)


(from Vivid Sydney 2013 - LET'S GET GOING!!)

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Helpful article #1

I read this article a few days ago and it helped articulate the frustrations I was having about not getting any clear information on policies.

The start of something

Today is Thursday 27 June 2013. Australia just lost another Prime Minister by a bloodless coup and we are looking at another election in next than 100 days time. In light of the strange political environment that Australia appears to be in, plus also the even stranger, superficial, skew-iff media coverage politics in Australia is currently getting, I thought i would start this blog; to help process my thoughts as I try to decide who to vote for. I do it so that others can interact, because my FB feed isn't big enough and also, that these discussions might help others.

 So, who am I? (said just like Lizzie Bennett) I am a woman, in my mid-thirties, who balances a part time corporate job with loving a husband (The Man) and two little children (Peppa and George). I live in a main city of Australia; in an electorate that Labour holds with a small margin. I am not very educated in politics (often confusing the left and the right) but I try to keep abreast of what is going on, even in the toddler-hazy phase that I am in. As I start thinking about this federal election, my three big policy issues currently stand as:

1) Maintain paid parental leave, because it helped our family a lot;
2) Processing boat people onshore, providing some form of compassion; and
3) Maintaining a carbon tax, as an effective (though small) way of seeking to combat climate change.

I hope to post anything I find helpful on this blog, so happy for people to post links as well. However, since this is my blog, I also maintain editorial rights. Enjoy.
(all these random pieces of coloured playdough & thoughts. What will they become?!)